
Lots Of Things I'm "Pinterested" In...

This summer, I was introduced to something very cool! It is still in Beta, but my bestie sent me an invite to the Land of Ideas; also known as Pinterest. What is Pinterest? It's a place where you can go to give, get and keep track of very wonderful ideas on a slew of things!


You create boards to help organize your thoughts and ideas that you find on the Internet. When you find something that peaks your interest, you "pin" it to one of your pinboards to remember it. The great thing about Pinterest is that when you pin something, your followers can always click it and return to the original blog/site of the idea. You don't have to worry about tagging or crediting an idea cuz Pinterest does it for you!

I have 9 boards. Their titles are:
  • Teacher Girl - all things school/educational ideas related
  • Great Think Tanks - places I go to get ideas about different things
  • My Awards Go To... - my favorite famous peeps
  • Worth A Thousand Words - pictures that just move me
  • Tasty - good things to eat, recipes
  • Turning My House Into A Home - things I would like to have in my ideal home
  • That's So Me - screams my personality
  • What Did You Say - quotes that make me ponder the meaning of life or make me laugh
  • Extra Nifty - really cool things that I want to remember
I have already tried some things from "THE PINBOARD" and I completely enjoy troll the site and looking at other peeps ideas and thoughts. I'm weird like that....I like to lurk; I'm a lurker. Do they have LA (Lurkers Anonymous)? I might need it one day... lol

Here's one thing that I've tried. It's called the Waterfall Frenchbraid (go ahead and click the link to see the original, I'll wait for ya). It was fairly simple. I just had one hang up with how my hair parted at the end of my frenchbraid. There was a part going right down the center of my head that I couldn't get rid of. Perhaps it's the nature of my hair - afrocentric based :-), or that I just need MORE practice. Could be a little of both! Anyway, here are the pictures...

Perhaps a little more ringlet curl will help the waterfall effect...We'll see. I plan to try it again really soon. You know the 1st day of school is coming up and you KNOW how I feel about that! Later...

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