
Bad Mood Gone Good

Can I just say there is nothing better than a good friend to cheer you up? A good friend that can tell something is wrong, not in the sound of your voice, but by the way you text...

I have been floundering around trying to make decisions on some things, letting go of other things, trying to make myself better, you know some good ol' self discovery.

The Friday before Arik's birthday and our anniversary, the annibirthary, Noel and I went out. We didn't really have anything in mind or a set schedule of things that needed to be done. We just went to places that popped into our heads. It was just a girls day out to talk and have a good time.

We started the day off at one of our favorite places, Sweet Tomatoes. A tasty place for salads and the most delicious blueberry muffins. Actually, Noel makes a mean blueberry muffin...Imma need to gift her some blueberries, so she can gift me some muffins. It's been a minute.

I digress, as usual. After brunch, we headed to Harbor Freight, Lowe's, Target, and Oak Park Mall for Kay's, The Landry and Coach (This is a whole other story, YAY)! I think there was a couple other spots, but I can't remember.

Anyway, before leaving the mall, Noel says, "I want to go to one more store. Someplace we've never been really." I suggested Stein Mart. I've been there once a LONG time ago.

This stop during our day was the icing on my cake. It really cheered me up. It was one of those movie moments that BFFs have. We went in with no expectations. We walked the whole store and chattered incessantly. To top off the whole visit, we have a mini fashion montage! We tried on goofy looking hats and sunglasses and just dorked around. It was cute...
Doesn't she look cute in her derby hat?

Coach makes everything look better!

Too bad that flower is bigger than her head!

I just have a big head! LOL

I might need to go back and get those glasses to complete my teacher persona...
Um, we had a great time, just like the women in the commercials, but there weren't ANY great deals there. We walked out with some sunglasses and dog dishes for Gingersnap Bradner. I wouldn't recommend it unless you go with your BFF...

I felt better after our day of delight. Not 100% better, but I think it helped get me outta the dumpster I had been residing in for a very long time. Gotta love BFFs, shopping and great times.

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