
There Was A Choice

So, today we had the choice of going to the Boxcar Derby presented by Boy Scouts of America or going to the salon so mommy could get a much needed relaxer. What did I pick? We went to the salon and I got my hair did.

Andrew was bummed for a little bit, but I reminded him that dad was out of town and he's never gone in the years past. So we loaded up Sadie and Andrew's boxcar sat on the dining room table.

I know, I know. How lame can a mom get? You just don't understand, people. I hadn't had a relaxer since the eve of New Year's Eve! My hair was going back to it's roots! As a young girl without a relaxer, I was a brush-breaker! I was beyond tender-headed and I was on the verge of shaving off all my hair! Please trust me when I say that my head is a funny shape and without the long locks to counter-balance, I wouldn't have any friends. . . .

After we came home and Aiden and I took a nap, we all went outside and played together. We kicked balls and ran around the driveway. We went to DollarTree and bought some scented bubbles and a cool bubble wand and we were in bubble heaven for almost 45 minutes!

I think I did a fine job of finding a balance between super mom and slacker mom. I'm just mom...

1 comment:

Mrs. H. said...

bummer....hair salon vs boxcar races? Well, at least you tried to make it up for the hours upon hours spent in the shop. BTW, Aiden is soooo good at blowing bubbles. He totally surprised me!


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