
Why Is This So Hard?

We just couldn't go another day without going to the grocery store! I jumped in Sadie MV, coupons in hand, with the resolution that I WAS going to Aldi!

As I pulled into the parking lot, something started happening in my stomach. NO! It wasn't something I ate... There was a sense of dread, mixed with uncertainty, a pinch of apprehension and a squeeze of WTF!

My first encounter was with the shopping cart! Apparently, you have to put a quarter into the basket in order to get one. Here I am with 2 dimes and a nickel, trying to turn it into a quarter. It didn't work. I had to go in and ask for a quarter. Problem solved!

Well, once I got in there, I just kind of walked around and took it all in. There was a bunch of nameless branded items. I had a hard time picking things that I wouldn't mind not having a brand name.

I have always known that I was a brand name snob and I had accepted that. I didn't realize that it was SUCH a part of me. I don't think that feelings I was having were because I look down at Aldi or the folks that shop there. I think that I have a 60/40 split - 60% of what I was feeling was coming from not being able to handle change very well and the other 40% was because I like being able to purchase brand names. I purchase brand names, NOT to keep up with the Jones', but for me, myself and I. It's not about how much $$ have; I don't use it as a status symbol. It's just because I can.

Change is very hard for me. Yeah, I can be a go with the flow kinda girl on most things. I can do that because there are certain things that I count on to be constant. The groceries that I buy is one of those things. My world has officially been ROCKED today.

I'm not sure I will be able to go back in two weeks. I am really struggling with my feelings about shopping somewhere other than Wal-Mart, Target, or Hen House.

I will say that I spent about $70 at Aldi. I did branch out and get some porkchops, fillet mignon, fresh fruit, juice boxes, eggs, and non Kool-Aid (among other things). I didn't want to get EVERYTHING there on the off chance it all tasted like crap! I then went to old faithful and got my "normal" items. I still spent about the same amount, but I think I came home with more. If next weekend we run out of food, I may have to reevaluate....

If I can muster up the courage to go again I am going to try the milk, ground beef and some of the snackables (vanilla wafers, cookies, chips). Don't hold your breath, though.

Here are some pix of my excursion...

Trying to be incognito w/ the shades. Look at how my hair is blowing in the A/C! I just got 4 inches cut off on Friday...

No explanation necessary...

Damn cart corral! Yeah, yeah, I got the quarter back in the end . . .

Proof that I got food and such.

So, it was quite a day for me. I'll keep you posted on my journey to become more frugal...


Mrs. H. said...

I am too shocked that YOU went to Aldi's. Not Mrs. Name-Brand. Good job branching out of your comfort zone. BTW,I'm still wondering where you got that bougee attitude... .certainly not from me. LOL

Unknown said...

They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... I had to get it from somewhere.

Nickie said...

I love that you took pictures! :)

Unknown said...

I guess it's not all that common to take a camera grocery shopping. I had to get it in pix, though. No one would have believed I went!


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